#200, 638 11 Ave SW  
Calgary, AB T2R-0E2
Mon - Fri:   9am to 5pm  
Sat - Sun:  CLOSED

Charities and Not for Profits
Calgary Charity Lawyer

From structuring, organization and governance, to advising on regulations and compliance issues - We cover the bases!

With increased oversight and accountability, strict regulation and strong public scrutiny, charities and not-for-profit groups often face more legal challenges than other organizations. This can often include regular reviews by Canada Revenue Agency to ensure compliance with their Charities Directorate rules and guidelines.

Craft Law Group

Charity Lawyer and Not-For-Profit Law

Mr. Scott understands this challenging environment and has the expertise to help overcome challenges encountered by not-for-profits and charities. From structuring, organization and governance, to advising on regulations and compliance issues, Mr. Scott can help guide your organization through a complex legal landscape.

Mr. Scott has worked closely with boards and community leaders to establish not-for-profit and charitable organizations and has served on charitable trusts and boards, including Easter Seals Alberta (Board member since 2016) and service on a cadet corps charitable trust from 1996-2006 after restructuring that organization. His work includes applying for charitable status, creating bylaws, reviewing and negotiating major agreements, leases, fundraiser and donor agreements and assisting with Canada Revenue Agency reviews and audits.

With our extensive experience backing you, you can focus on fulfilling your organization’s objectives.
Areas of expertise include:

Kyle B. Scott

Knowledgeable Charity and Not-For-Profit Lawyer. 25+ Years Experience

Mr. Scott regularly drafts bylaws, policies, board committee objects and goals, resolutions and agreements, consults on board (or trustee) matters, effective governance and oversight, efficient process, proper due diligence, regulatory compliance, and reporting and disclosure requirements.
Mr. Scott has extensive experience representing individual directors/trustees, boards of director/trustee, committees of directors, and executives on their legal obligations and practices.
Take advantage of our Free Consultation Today!

Serving Clients throughout Western Canada from our Base in Calgary, Alberta

If you have any questions regarding Charities and Not-For-Profit Organization Laws, feel free to contact us today!