#200, 638 11 Ave SW  
Calgary, AB T2R-0E2
Mon - Fri:   9am to 5pm  
Sat - Sun:  CLOSED

Environment Law
Calgary  Environmental Lawyer

Environmental Law, Regulations and Legislation continue to expand - one needs skill and experience to navigate the ever changing terrain.
Environmental law encompasses a wide range of issues including compliance by businesses and individuals with regulations aimed at protection of the environment, environmental assessment and regulatory processes applicable to proposed projects, and the assessment and allocation of risk in relation to commercial and financial transactions relating to land ownership and/or operation of businesses.
The range of legislation and regulations concerning protection of the environment, at the federal, provincial, and territorial level continues to expand, and the enforcement provisions continue to expand as well.

Craft Law Group

Experienced Environmental Lawyer

Mr. Scott was involved in the waste management industry when Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act was enacted and has spent much of the following 28 years assisting clients in this area. This has ranged from gas station management and remediation, acquisition and management of a private landfill, up to and including overseeing the regulatory applications for Canada’s largest integrated energy company from 2006 through 2012.

Mr. Scott oversaw the application process for significant infrastructure (roads, pipelines, electrical transmission corridors) and energy (oils sands mining and SAGD projects), with all 14 major applications during those 6 years successfully approved (and countless smaller items). Mr. Scott was awarded both the ASTECH (Alberta Science & Technology) Award and the ARC (Alberta Research Counsel) Awards for environmental excellence as a member of the team that successfully applied to update Oil Sands Tailings Management in 2010, a $1.2 billion initial project that was received all necessary governmental approvals and was initiated in record time.

Kyle B. Scott

Experienced Environmental Lawyer. 25+ Years Experience

Mr. Scott regularly drafts bylaws, policies, board committee objects and goals, resolutions and agreements, consults on board (or trustee) matters, effective governance and oversight, efficient process, proper due diligence, regulatory compliance, and reporting and disclosure requirements.
He also provides advice and services in relation to commercial and financial transactions, including the conduct of due diligence processes, the identification of environmental responsibilities and risks, and the allocation of those risks between the parties to the transaction.
Take advantage of our Free Consultation Today!

Serving Clients throughout Western Canada from our Base in Calgary, Alberta

If you have any questions regarding Environmental Laws, Regulations and Legislation, feel free to contact us today!